Dear parents and friends of our school, we come to you with a holiday offer for children 1. – 6. grade (from 6 to 12 years old) for a summer day camp. (the camp offer is also valid for children who do not attend a Private Primary School)
Dates: 1.7.2024 – 5.7.2024 (5 days, including holidays) and 8.7.2024 – 12.7.2024 (5 days)
Time: 8:00 – 16:00
Place: Private primary school, Oravská cesta 11, Žilina
Price: 160 ,- EUR (payment possible also through employer’s holiday allowance)
Application: until 31.5.2024 online application
Price includes:
Termín je záväzne rezervovaný po úhrade nevratnej zálohy 60 Eur !!!
Príjemca, názov účtu: Súkromná základná škola
IBAN: SK70 0900 0000 0004 2281 4274
Správa pre príjemcu: Meno Priezvisko dieťaťa, Tábor 2024
(doplatok 100 Eur je možné realizovať do 14.6.2024)
For children there is an interesting experience programme:
Foreign lecturers will adapt the vocabulary to a young but curious audience, so that children gradually lose their fear of a foreign language and become stronger in communication. But mainly to play and have fun with their peers.
Current occupancy:
Application for summer day camp
There are no upcoming events at this time