Slovak Nightingale 2023

slavik slovenska 2023 12 scaled

On 23 March 2023, the school round of the Slovak Nightingale – a competition in singing folk songs – took place. This year there was a large representation especially in the first category – grades 1 to 3. A total of 20 children took part in the competition and the jury had a hard time deciding.

Results 1. categories – years 1. – 3.
1st place: Ninka Ondrová III.LN – advancement to the district round
2nd place: Viktorka Mansour III.LN, Zoe Figová III.JŽ, Bianka Ďurajková III.LN
3rd place: Emmka Mikolajová III.JŽ, Natálka Fabušová I. DF, Tobias Palko I.DF, Anabelka Jurgová II.MO, Nikolka Novotná III.LN

Results 2. categories – grades 4.- 6.
1st place: Timka Palovová IV. VČ – advancement to the district round
2nd place: Dominika Podhorcová IV. CHR
3rd place: Sara Sidor IV.VČ

To all accounts

to the oldest pupils, especially to the youngest freshmen Gregor Vydra, Bruno Seifert from I.ŽB class and Agatka Grešová from I. We would like to congratulate them for their courage and participation in the competition.

Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events at this time