Consultation hours

The teaching staff of our school informs parents about the following consultation hours valid for the school year 2023/2024. We ask parents to respect them.

UčiteľDeňOd – doMiestnosť
Mgr. et Mgr. Lucia Albedinská utorok9:00 – 10:00140
PaedDr. Mária Baučeková streda12:45-13:45140
Mgr. Alžbeta Cesnekovápiatok7:45-8:45029
Mgr. Ivana Haščíková streda7:30 – 8:30026
Mgr. Jana Hrianková utorok/streda13:00 – 15:00043
Mgr. Barbora Chudobová pondelok13:45 – 14:45029
Mgr. Jozef Juríček piatok7:45 – 8:45140
Mgr. Jana Kaňová štvrtok8:55 – 9:40140
Mgr. Martin Marcinek pondelok8.45-9-45kabinet TSV
Mgr. Iveta Pastorková streda7.45 – 8.45026
Mgr. Bc. Ivana Paúrová pondelok8:30 – 9:30026
Ing. Marcel Prievozník pondelok8:30 – 9:30026
Mgr. Michaela Sabelovápiatok8.45-9-45140
Peter Sweeneystreda11:45 – 12:45140
Mgr. Andrea Šimkovápondelok13:00 – 14:0026
Mgr. Lenka Tvrdá utorok/streda13:00 – 15:0043

Primary teachers arrange individual consultation sessions with parents by appointment.

Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events at this time