That was one of the first questions my husband and I asked ourselves 9 years ago. We have had many questions throughout the 9 years that we have been searching for answers to, and with each question we have been reassured year after year that we have made the right decision, continuing in this document.
Saška Surováformer pupil
"Hello, how are you?". So this was the first thing I learned. Even before I started to write letters and numbers, the lecturers were talking to me. From the very beginning, the school taught me to think in English as well. And that's one of the first things I appreciate about the school. The special approach to each of us, whether we are from Slovakia, Korea or America, helps us to progress and gain new knowledge every day. Specially equipped classrooms bring us closer to science and languages. With the help of the school, I have made friends from small groups at school, but also a lot of friends from abroad, with whom I communicate through conversations with tutors. The school has explained to me, and continues to explain to me, how people of different nationalities and cultures can understand each other.
PaedDr. Alena PaulováDirector of the Mikuláš Kováč Gymnasium in Banská Bystrica
Dear Headmistress, dear colleagues, teachers!
At our high school, we have just completed two key events - the graduation exams of our graduates and the admission interviews of the students who will sit in our desks for the first time in September. These two important moments of our work are also the reason why we turn to you in this letter.
parents of Laura Chovanovaformer parents
Madam Director,
We would like to thank you and your teachers for the high standard of English language teaching in primary school. Laura took her entrance test and interview with an English tutor at the British Council today and based on her results she achieved B2+, so she was placed at Teen Advanced 1 (C1- 1 YL). After the course, he wants to take the international language exam. At the bilingual grammar school - Bilíková Bratislava she is one of the best speaking students in the English section.
Ing. Tibor Baranecformer parent
We first decided to go to the NHS 7 years ago, when our eldest daughter transferred to 5. of the year. The main reason was the opportunity to learn bilingually in English. Our and our daughter's expectations were fulfilled. She was accepted to the Bilingual Grammar School in Sučany and this semester she took the opportunity to study in the USA. The other 2 children have been attending the school since first grade and our experience has been very good.
Eliška Ludováformer student of Milan Hodza Bilingual Grammar School, Sučany
Primary school should be a place where strangers become friends, where we look forward to every morning and where great teachers await us. The Private Primary School on Oravská cesta is indeed such a school. Teachers developed our skills and supported us in achieving our life goals. Thanks to our teachers we saw the beauty of Slovakia and abroad. This school was a gateway to a big new world for me. The English I learned here was a stepping stone for me to study at the Bilingual Grammar School in Sučany and also gave me the basis to study abroad this school year (2012/13).
Lucka Golierformer student of Milan Hodza Bilingual Grammar School, Sučany
My elementary school was a doorway to a new world for me. To a world of knowledge, opportunities and learning new languages and cultures. During my current studies in high school, I appreciate the excellent foreign language training I received in elementary school. I like to recall the many educational yet fun events that our teachers made our daily stay at school more enjoyable. I am very grateful to my primary school teachers for their individual approach to me and my classmates. They were interested not only in how much knowledge we had acquired, but also in what we excelled at outside of school and encouraged us to do so. And another plus in my life, which I took away from the SZŠ on Oravská Street in Žilina, is the knowledge that people of different nationalities, cultures and skin colour can coexist very nicely if they are on the island of education, decency and respect for human beings.
Mgr. Karin Hoffmanformer parent
Today's fast-paced world - demanding high professionalism, is full of stress and full of tension. Every working day we give 100% performance to make our life comfortable, our family feel wellbeing and sense of security. Our children are growing up in this accelerated stressful pace with us - whether we like it or not. We try our best to educate our children, to lead them to sports, to music, to be an example for them how to LIVE this world. Who else, if not us, chooses the environment that becomes their second home for a few years? I ask: "What do I want the school to give my child?" Simple clues come to mind - QUALITY EDUCATION including foreign languages, RESPECTING the nature of the child, INDIVIDUAL approach, growth of PERSONALITY, development of ENTITLEMENT and NO STRESS! And all these - at first glance obvious benefits to the maximum extent - meets the Private Primary School, Oravská in Žilina. NO STRESS - of course, I'm not talking about low expectations when it comes to the quality of teaching. I mean a calm, relaxed environment, supportive of my child's development and creativity. What could be more satisfying than my child skipping happily to school in the morning and hugging the teacher good morning, running into the classroom where she is greeted by 11 "friends", spending the whole day with playful English, spending the afternoon with the children in a club full of games and activities from which she doesn't want to leave. It's not about new furniture, sports facilities, perfectly equipped classrooms, it's not about interactive whiteboards or English teachers - yes, all that is SUPER, but for me as a mom the most important thing is that my child is HAPPY HERE!
I took the liberty to comment on this topic, as my third child is currently a pupil at this school, so I take this opportunity to simply say THANK YOU to all the teachers and educators.
RNDr. Ľudmila Šoškováformer parent
The private elementary school my son attended left a good impression on me. The school treats pupils fairly, organises enough meetings with the pupils' parents so that I was well informed about my child's behaviour and progress at school. The school has a large number of interest groups and has very good modern facilities. The highly professional and human approach of the teachers creates the most favourable conditions for the education of the children. But the most important thing for me was that my child went to school without fear and today he remembers the school fondly. I have also recommended the school to other friends whose children are now attending this school.The school suits us in every way. It is in a nice environment, renovated, has its own gym, canteen, a beautiful school yard with a transport playground, a garden house, ... The school club is excellent and there are many extra-curricular clubs and activities. The teaching is different from other schools, especially in the greater emphasis on children's creativity and language skills. For us parents, the best proof is that our daughter got into the bilingual grammar school without any further special preparation and that our children are enjoying school.I took the liberty to comment on this topic, as my third child is currently a pupil at this school, so I take this opportunity to simply say to all the teachers and tutors - THANK YOU.
Linda Lichnerformer pupil of VIII. year of SZŠ
The journey through my primary school
My name is Linda Lichner, I am 15 years old and I study at the Bilingual Grammar School, ul. T. Ružička in Žilina. I'm a freshman and I'm in the Spanish section. I like high school very much, but I have to say that if it wasn't for my primary school, I would probably have a very hard time. I went to elementary school for 8 years and I was very happy and I don't let it go.English? Lots of lessons in a playful and fun way. First grade we had 2x more English than other schools as early as 1st grade. Whether maths such as numbers and operations with them or also science such as animals, plants, everything around us etc. In second grade we added quite a bit. It was a bit harder. In addition to the classical subjects in English (with foreign teachers, of course), we also added conversation classes in English, also with an English teacher. We took part in various competitions, whether recitation or spelling contests, communicated with foreign schools in English and tried many other activities. Although I was never very good at English, I learned it very well.Competitions? Apart from English competitions, our school also took part in other competitions, such as recitation competitions (I placed 2nd and 3rd in the district round of Šalianský Máka once, thanks to my excellent English teachers). I also took nice places in art, writing or sports competitions (also thanks to an excellent gym teacher). The school was really involved in everything it could.Teachers? They were the best. They are young, yet they have a lot of experience. They have taught me so much and there is not one teacher I wouldn't miss. I am grateful to every single one of them for the knowledge they passed on to me, which I am now using to the full in my studies at grammar school.Level of learning? Who doesn't want to learn, don't go to Oravská. The level is really high from my point of view. We had a lot of languages to choose from. While at other schools you could choose from 2-3 languages, we had up to 4: Spanish, Russian, French, German. I had Spanish, which I am now studying in high school.I am happy that I was able to go through 8 beautiful years at the Private Primary School, Oravská cesta 11 in Žilina. My parents were also very happy, and that is why my younger brother is going there. I would recommend it to anyone who likes to learn, enjoys exploring the world through English and wants to achieve something in life.
Kristína Šediváformer pupil of IX. year of SZŠ
My name is Kristína, I am 16 years old and I started attending the bilingual section at the Gymnasium Jozef Miloslav Hurban in Čadca. Secondary school is completely different from primary school. I am very glad that I study in Čadca, but a huge THANK YOU goes to my primary school.
Our school has given us a lot in life. As it is a bilingual primary school, we have more open options, which are later reflected in our secondary schools. A high endowment of English lessons, a language we can now rarely do without. Don't think we just sat in the desk for longer and learned grammar, not at all! There was rarely an hour behind the desk. Mostly we learned in a playful way, whether through projects, books, games or watching movies. Not only did we learn colloquial English, but we learned to listen carefully. We always enjoyed the lessons with the lecturers very much because we started to understand the jokes they told us, I liked the so called. speaking, where we had a topic and we could talk either with the lecturer in conversations or in English class. The lecturers made our mathematics, chemistry, biology, as well as history and geography lessons more enjoyable. But English is not the only positive thing about the school. Teachers were helpful to us. It's not easy with any ninth graders, but they didn't give up and helped us get into our dream high schools. They were dedicated to us either before or after school, they passed on their knowledge and taught us how to use it practically. I really enjoyed the lab classes because I realize that not many elementary schools have 2 well-equipped labs for biology and chemistry, but also physics. Another great advantage of the school is that it is not lazy. We have been involved in a number of projects both abroad and in Slovakia. It was a great experience for us and for the school as well. Our school also boasts extraordinary classrooms such as the cinema room (a place full of comfortable bags to sit on and a projector) and the reading room ( a table, chairs, a sofa and lots of books).
The headmistress tried to fulfil what she saw in the children's eyes, such as. beautiful, sunny days in the forest park, trips abroad or in Slovakia. She talked to us many times, which we enjoyed.
Although we didn't always go to school with a smile, today I am happy that I am a graduate of the Private Primary School, Oravská cesta 11 in Žilina. I recommend the school to anyone who is not lazy and wants to develop and follow their dreams. I am very happy to say THANK YOU to my primary school.