OZ Wisdom to the World (hereinafter referred to as OZ) was founded on 16. March 2021 on the initiative of the school management, members of the school council and parents who had the development and prosperity of the school at heart. As stated in the statutes, it is a voluntary association that cooperates with the school in improving the conditions of the educational process and its technical support.
Official name of the civic association
OZ Múdrosťou do sveta
Oravská cesta 11
010 01 Žilina
ICKO: 53 694 309
The aim and mission of the civic association is mainly:
In fulfilling its objectives, the association will mainly carry out the following activities:
Contact information:
Mgr. Ivan Fiala – Chairman, e-mail: fiala@sukrzsza.sk
Mgr. Zuzana Gašparíková – Vice-President, e-mail: gasparikova@sukrzsza.sk
The civic association is governed by its statutes, which can be consulted in this section.
At the constituent general meeting of the OZ on 30. August 2021, the statutory representatives and members of the various bodies have been duly elected.
Bureau – 5 members
Mgr. Ivan Fiala – Chairman
Mgr. Zuzana Gašparíková – Vice-President
Mgr. Ľubica Brennerová – member
Ing. Ivana Dubcová – member
Monika Bullová – member
Supervisory Board
– 3 members
JUDr. Iveta Gálošová Bušová
Mgr. Martin Marcinek
Mgr. Jana Hrianková
Chief Controller
PaedDr. Mária Baučeková
A civic association is obliged to keep proper accounts, take care of its property, improve it and protect it. It is governed by generally binding legislation, rules and the Statutes of the OZ. The main sources of income are voluntary contributions to activities and donations.
If you are not indifferent to our school and want to help our civic association, you can choose the form that suits you.
1. As a full member of OZ Múdrosťou do sveta
We would be happy to welcome you as a new member and you can actively participate in our activities.
2. Sponsorship assistance
If you want to contribute to our activities with financial means, it is possible through our account in the Slovak Savings Bank, a. s. IBAN : SK81 900 0000 0051 8321 4206.
Thanks to you, we will be able to implement other activities and projects for the pupils of our school.
There are no upcoming events at this time