Characteristics and profile of the school
Private primary school Oravská cesta 11 Žilina is a private educational institution, the only multicultural school in the Žilina region. SZŠ provides primary and lower secondary education for children from 6 to 16 years of age. The language of instruction is Slovak, but in the educational process we use
CLIL and CALL methodology
in all professional subjects in cooperation with foreign lecturers.
The SZŠ has a Private School Children’s Club (SŠKD), a Private Leisure Time Centre (SCVČ) and a Private School Canteen (SŠJ).

Vision and mission of the school
Our task is to educate and raise pupils who have dreams and know how to find ways to make those dreams come true. Every pupil is the best at something and everyone has a chance to be successful at something in the future.
Values of the school
S – freedom
… free expression, decision-making
Z – responsibility
… responsibility for one’s actions
Š – specificity
… modern Slovak – English teaching
O – openness
… new modern methods in the educational process
R – respect
… respect for differences between people
A – atmosphere
… building good relations in a pleasant atmosphere
V – knowledge
… permanent knowledge
S – cooperation
… pupil – teacher – parent
K – communication
… to seek ways of peaceful and substantive communication
A – activity
… active use of children’s free time (clubs, courses, additional school services …)
Who are we, what do we offer?
The private primary school was established on the basis of the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and was included in the network of primary schools of the Slovak Republic from 1. September 2004. We are a school that focuses on teaching in the English language.
From 1. September 2005 we started to teach bilingual Slovak-English according to “Project of experimental verification of bilingual Slovak-English teaching at 2. level of primary school and alternative teaching of English language – language variant at 1. primary school.” This was completed on 31. 8. 2011.
From On 1 September 2013, we are implementing activities within the experimental validation project on 2nd level of primary school
CLIL methodology in lower secondary education
as a continuation of the project of experimental validation at the 1st level of primary school Didactic effectiveness of the CLIL method at the first level of primary school in the teaching of foreign languages.
For more information on CLIL, please click on this link.
This school year we opened 17 classes at our school. We are one of the few schools in Slovakia that use the progressive CLIL method as a tool for improving skills so essential for life in today’s society.
… and what do we offer?
We offer you a few reasons to choose our school
- modern Slovak-English teaching using CLIL and CALL methodology in cooperation with foreign lecturers
- English language lessons from 1. grade
- from 5. year teaching a second foreign language (German, Russian or Spanish)
- Spanish language teacher
- qualified teaching staff – teachers’ own publishing and lecturing activities
- own school special educator and school psychologist
- application of innovative and activating methods and forms in teaching
- individual and differentiated approach in teaching
- online teaching supported by educational and communication platforms (Google Classroom, Zoom, Edupage) during distance learning
- the subject Conversation in English with a foreign lecturer
- implementation of international and regional educational projects – eTwinning, Erasmus+…
- foreign excursions and stays – London, Vienna, Krakow, Barcelona…
- rich selection of sports activities – ski, swimming, snowboard, climbing training
- development of pupils’ environmental awareness (waste collection, waste separation, …)
- excellent results of pupils in Testing 5 and Testing 9
- excellent results of pupils in international tests (PISA)
- Slovak language courses for children of foreigners free of charge
- electronic student book, use of school e-learning
- preventing pupils from using mobile phones during lessons
- classrooms equipped with ICT technology (PCs, projectors, interactive whiteboards)
- specialised classrooms equipped with tablets
- specialized classrooms of chemistry, physics, biology, modern computer room, workshop, school library
- mini arboretum – botany classroom, children’s transport playground
- 2 gyms, movement studio, gym, cafeteria, dental clinic
- sports and entertainment area, playground with climbing frames, multifunctional sports playground, artificial climbing wall
- provision of insurance for pupils
- free foreign language textbooks and workbooks
- Cambridge YLE, KET, PET testing
- Private school children’s club (morning and afternoon)
- Private leisure centre (a wide range of interest groups in the afternoon)
- Private school canteen, online lunch ordering, varied menu
- meals during school holidays in the school canteen