About the school club

About the school club - Private school club for children Our school club is open daily Monday to Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. . The children are cared for by qualified educators. Interesting activities are prepared for children, which allow...


Documentation Download the private school kids club documents in PDF format: List of phone numbers for tutors Educational programme of the SŠKD Internal rules of the SŠKD Enrolment card Application for admission of a child to a school c...

Our activities

Our activities

SŠKD staff

SŠKD staff Mgr. Monika Bálintová CLUB LEADER, I. EDUC. DEPARTMENT balintova@sukrzsza.sk Mgr. Iveta Gallová VIII. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT gallova@sukrzsza.sk Mgr. Kri...
Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events at this time