Russian word – national round

We really enjoyed Košice. We met children from all over Slovakia. Many of them have been learning Russian for many years, we are newcomers. First we competed. We were really extremely successful. In the 2nd ktg.(2nd grade pupils of primary school) – Sofia Koščová, VI.SA – in prose recitation won the 1st place and pupils – L. Uhlárik – VI.SA, K.Janíková, V. Peterkova, V. Potočová – VI.SB in collective singing won 3rd place. After the competition we went to the city centre, we saw the St. Elizabeth Cathedral, we visited the Technical Museum and in the pastry shop we really liked the delicious cake. We liked the atmosphere of the competition and the city of Košice, we enjoyed the feeling of victory and the applause. We believe that we will come back to Košice next year.

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