Logic Olympiad 2024 – final round – results

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The Logic Olympiad is a nationwide competition for intellectually gifted pupils (pupils with general intellectual talent) and is intended for pupils of primary schools and 8-year grammar schools up to 15 years of age. The main idea is connecting. Connecting pupils with intellectual talents with the aim of a common (nationwide) activity – logical Olympiad, which will test their knowledge, skills in logical thinking, spatial reasoning, mathematical reasoning and verbal thinking. Our 2 pupils, Tamarka Trippé and Janka Ďuračíková (both from VIII.EB), who became the winners of the school round, took part in the final round at the University of Prešov in mid-May. They demonstrated excellent knowledge, as they were successful solvers of the national round, and placed in excellent 23rd place (Tamarka) and 41st. place (Janka) out of a total of 117 participating pupils. Congratulations to them!

The results are available at: http: //www.logickaolympiada.sk/pozname-vi-azov-12.-ro-nika-logickej-olympiady-intelektovo-nadanych-ziakov-.html


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