Bees enjoyed the exhibition of Svätopluk Mikita’s ZBER in the New Synagogue, where they were inspired by his work and tried to draw different parts of the body….it was challenging and very fun 😁
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How did we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of eTwinning? Playful and fun – with a cake, a quiz and a video! Our clever classmate Matej threw himself into the pastry arts and created a cake that not only looked great, but tasted great too. And 
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On Friday, February 7, pupils of the 6th grade attended a theatre performance of The Little Prince at the J. Palárik Theatre in Trnava. The most famous work full of powerful and timeless ideas by the French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry certainly appealed 
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On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, our ninth graders experienced a theatrical performance called Blend, which highlights the impact of social networking on young people’s mental health and the associated cyberbullying and racism. Following the performance, a discussion was held with the creators and experts from 
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First day successfully behind us…even the sun was nice Second graders Bees and Beetles on skis ⛷️
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Hooray ❄️…even in the winter the Bees enjoyed TSV in the snow with great pleasure:)
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13.1. 2025 spoznali Včielky Osmijanka aj Osmidunča a celú Osmijankovu literárnu záhradu – putovnú výstavu v Krajskej knižnici. Hravým a zážitkovým spôsobom objavili nové knihy, príbehy, postavy, rýmy, porekadlá…
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When to feed? Bird feeding should be started when temperatures drop below freezing for a long time and natural food sources are unavailable. Continue throughout the winter until early spring. Why feed? Winter is difficult for birds because they have limited access to food. By 
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The ninth graders not only proved to be creative people who can create great stories, but we also worked together to create language exercises to support reading comprehension. This time we took up the challenge from our Spanish friends. For the story of Don Quixote, 
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Our sixth graders are working with their Polish partners to learn about each other’s cultures, but also about the pride of being Slovaks and Poles – Slovenes. And how do modern young Slovaks and Poles spend Christmas time? This is what we documented in our 
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