Excursion – we travel by train to Banská Bystrica

exkurzia cestujeme vlakom do banskej bystrice 28 scaled

You can also learn outside the classroom. The fourth-grade Bees tried it out when they went on 28.3. 2023 by train to BB. Despite the fact that the start from the railway station in ZA started almost an hour late, all the children managed it perfectly. We took an unplanned walk around Vrútky. In BB we managed to experience a performance at the Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads, go to the lookout of the Clock Tower, see the historical centre and some exhibits in front of the SNP Museum, and shop in the OC Terminal. On the way back we were also delayed by another delay, but at least the children enjoyed the longer time together with a smile. After all, train travel can be fun!

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