Dear colleagues, dear pupils!
We cordially invite you all to visit our renovated library of SZŠ (former CINEMA room – No. 134). We have strived to improve the facilities in such a way that they in themselves motivate children to spend their leisure time effectively. The library premises can be visited at any time for teaching, relaxation and borrowing purposes by arrangement with the school librarian.
Loan services will primarily be provided every Wednesdays from 10:40 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. a Thursdays from 11:35 to 13:00.
In our library you will find not only educational literature on various subjects, but also classic non-fiction and modern fiction. Here you will find writers and titles such as M. Kukučín, J. G. Tajovský, K. Jarunková, J. Verne, R. Kipling, B. Němcová, Hamlet, Marína, Detvan, poetry by P. O. Hviezdoslav and M. Rúfus, stories and Greek fables, classical and modern fairy tales by P. Dobšinský, Ľ. Feldeka, K. Čapek, the nonsense Alice in Wonderland, contemporary fiction represented by P. Holka, M. Hlušíková, you can look forward to Thomas Brezina’s favourite detective stories, Gabo the Grasser, Harry Potter and many colourful encyclopaedias from various fields – many, including fiction, in English.
Teachers will find a wealth of subject-specific literature, methodological material, handbooks, worksheets, dictionaries, CDs and DVDs in English. In addition to absentee loans, they can also conduct individual lessons in the library as part of the so-called. information education with book lending. Last but not least, our library is also open for cultural events and discussions with writers throughout the year. I believe that we will use its facilities as efficiently as possible.
Mgr. Dávid Ilčík – school librarian
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