
  1. Of course, I am an European (Year 6) The project aims to promote and increase national and European pride among students, emphasising the importance of being Polish/Slovak/European citizens, as well as to develop English language skills, focusing on all language components (reading, writing, listening, speaking). Promoting cooperation and teamwork between students from different European countries is also important to us. The project will consist of several joint activities in which students will work together to create a joint product promoting national and European pride.
  2. Young Journalists [Mladí žurnalisti] (Year 7)
    Pupils will work in national teams, with each team responsible for producing magazine articles, video reports and podcasts about the activities of their partner school. Research phase: pupils study information from the partner school’s website. Content creation: teams create written articles and multimedia content (videos and/or podcasts). Publishing: content will be compiled into a digital magazine and shared via video platforms and possibly podcasts. Collaboration: regular virtual meetings between teams to share progress and feedback. Listening and reading comprehension exercises will be added to some activities.
  3. WellbeingSquad [Chasa pohoďákov] (Year 8)
    The aim of this project is to support pupils’ understanding of wellbeing and its different aspects, to encourage exploration of different perspectives on wellbeing practices and to develop collaboration and communication skills through interaction with students from partner schools.
  4. English Together [Spoločne v angličtine] (Year 9)
    The project focuses on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation development. Pupils take on the role of creators who produce both linguistic and functional content. Working in international teams, they design games and activities, improve their grammar and expand their vocabulary. Some tasks will be designed to involve all partners in the collaboration. Each month, a challenge will be issued to create content that practices a particular grammatical phenomenon in English (e.g., present simple/past simple, past simple/past past, pre vs. past simple, future tenses, etc.).
    Throughout the year, we will also organise online sessions where pupils can play different games they have created themselves, allowing them to improve their skills and test the quality of the content they have created.
  5. Financial Literacy – 4th and 5th grade, a project aimed at gaining skills in the world of finance.
  6. Children and Architecture – a project implemented in art lessons, through e-learning creative courses, followed by pupils’ output work in the field of architecture. The aim of this project is to bring students information in the field of architecture and architectural design of space, to arouse their interest in architecture and architectural works, to encourage their creativity.
  7. Reading in Languages – a project for primary and lower secondary pupils. Aimed at developing reading literacy in foreign languages.
  8. Healthy Eating Week – a project to promote healthy eating.
  9. Let’s talk about food – an environmental project to promote healthy lifestyles.
  10. Reading Week – a project aimed at promoting the development of reading literacy.
  11. Let’s give things a second chance – an environmental project.
  12. Happy market – a project focused on sports and recreational activities for pupils 1. – 5. of the year.
  13. Recyklohry – an environmental project focused on recycling e-waste.
  14. Learning outdoors – non-traditional forms of outdoor education – pupils 5. – 9. of the year.
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