eTwinning projects 2024/2025

English Together (Year 9)

Our project focuses on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation development.
Pupils take on the role of creators who produce both linguistic and functional content.
Working in international teams, they design games and activities, improve their grammar and expand their vocabulary.
Students will work in mixed groups, with each student assigned a specific task to complete within their group.
Some tasks will be designed to involve all partners in collaboration.
Each month a challenge will be issued to create content that practices a specific grammatical point in English (e.g. present simple/adverbial, past simple/adverbial, prepositional vs. Past Simple, Future Tense, etc.).
Throughout the year, we will also organise online sessions where pupils can play different games they have created themselves, allowing them to improve their skills and test the quality of the content they have created.

Project output: sets of different types of games (card, board, electronic, …) on different grammatical phenomena, practicing vocabulary and pronunciation in English

Implementation: 2024/2025
Vintage: 9.
Project Objective:

  • Main objective:
    • create a useful output using the students’ own language and make pragmatic use of their language skills and experience
  • Specific objectives:
    • To increase students’ motivation and interest in learning English by creating and playing cooperative social and card games.
    • To develop students’ grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation in English at B1 level.
    • Encourage creativity, teamwork and collaboration among students, as well as critical thinking.
    • Improve intercultural understanding and tolerance between students from different countries.
    • Use information and communication technologies to support language learning and collaboration.

More information about the project – view the project proposal

Link to TwinSpace:

🎉 Project outputs


Creative eTwinning in Year 9

As part of the English Together project, our pupils created authentic and original works of art. And so pupilsfrom fourcountries took part ina creative activityaimed atdeveloping literacyand ethicalskills. ic education. Hive ohou was createdto create a story with ournative hero and moral lesson, dsupplemented by

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eTwinning: creating stories and language exercises

The ninth graders not only proved to be creative people who can create great stories, but we also worked together to create language exercises to support reading comprehension. This time we took up the challenge from our Spanish friends. For the story of Don Quixote,

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eTwinning: creating a common Activity game

Do you know the game Activity? It’s a great and fun game. We in the eTwinning project with the ninth graders decided to make a collaborative version of it. First, we collected activities from the project partners via Google Forms, created cards and of course

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English Together – what are we like? (dating)

Our ninth graders love English. They will prove it to you in the videos they made as part of the familiarisation activity for the English Together project. And what are they like? Watch…

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Online safety in eTwinning

Communication in eTwinning (in this case the English Together project) takes place in an online space, so it is necessary to exist in a safe and pleasant environment and also to create such an environment. Our ninth graders created their own games on this topic

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We continue to get to know each other with the help of AI

In our school, we decided to get to know each other in an unconventional way in eTwinning. We had an artificial intelligence that we played around with, uploaded our introduction cards and she learned about us, what did we reveal about ourselves? At the beginning,

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#WellbeingSquad (8th grade)

The aim of this project is to support students in understanding wellbeing and its different aspects, to encourage exploration of different perspectives on wellbeing practices and to develop collaboration and communication skills through interaction with students from partner schools.

Project output: a book of wellbeing activities that can be used by other students and teachers

Implementation: 2024/2025
Year: 8.
Project Objective:

  • The main aim: to enable students to take an active role in promoting their own and their peers’ wellbeing, while developing essential life skills and fostering a positive school culture.
  • Specific objectives:
    • Raise awareness of the importance of wellbeing and its various aspects (physical, mental, social, emotional) among students.
    • Encourage students to explore and share different perspectives on wellbeing practices.
    • Develop students’ collaboration and communication skills through interaction with peers from partner schools.
    • Create a joint product that showcases the results of the project and promotes well-being in schools.
    • Establish a system of rules/expectations for students and teachers to promote healthy relationships and a positive school culture.

🎉 Project outputs


Starting the eTwinning project #WellbegingSquad (Year 8)

eTwinning is growing in our school not only in the number of pupils but also in the variety of topics. This school year, the eighth graders will be tackling the very topical issue of wellbeing. We are creating a project called #WellbeingSquad And we started

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Young Journalists (7th year)

Pupils will work in national teams, with each team responsible for producing magazine articles, video reports and podcasts about the activities of their partner school.
Research phase: pupils study information from the partner school’s website.
Content creation: teams create written articles and multimedia content (videos and/or podcasts).
Publishing: the content will be compiled into a digital magazine and shared via video platforms and possibly podcasts.
Collaboration: regular virtual meetings between teams to share progress and feedback.
Listening and reading comprehension exercises will be added to some activities.

Project output:

  • Digital magazine: A publication containing articles and graphics created by pupils about activities and life in the partner schools.
    The magazine will serve as the main format for presenting the research and results of the project.
  • Video messagesShort videos made by pupils showing and commenting on different aspects of life in a partner school.
    These videos will inform and educate viewers about the activities and culture of the partner school.
  • Podcasts (possibly): Audio recordings or interviews that offer additional insight into the themes and activities associated with the project.
    Podcasts may include interviews with students, teachers and others involved in the project.
  • Presentation of the project: The end of the project can include a presentation where the pupils summarise their experiences and knowledge gained during the project.
    This presentation can be shared with other schools, parents and the community.
  • Feedback and evaluation: Documentation of evaluation and feedback from project participants and partners, which may include suggestions for improvement and reflection on project successes and challenges.

Implementation: 2024/2025
Year: 7.


    • Main objective: To produce video, audio reports and written content on the activities of the partner schools.
  • Specific objectives:
    • Develop pupils’ research and writing skills.
    • Improve the ability to work in a team.
    • Promote digital literacy through the creation of multimedia content.
    • To promote intercultural understanding and European cooperation.

More information about the project – view the project proposal

Link to TwinSpace: ... soon

🎉 Project outputs


Our school eTwinning has its own podcast

So we have had a great start in Year 7 with our eTwinning project (you can find out more at this link). Our podcasters Orni, Kaja, Nati, Tili have prepared some information in a great podcast as part of the first task – info about

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Concept map about me (eTwinning dating)

As part of an eTwinning project called Young Journalists, the seventh-graders took their dating from a completely different end. In the Canva environment, they developed concept maps where they placed their avatar in the centre – the main idea – and used pictures to indicate

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¡Vamos a divertirnos con el español! Let’s have fun with Spanish! (7th grade)

Our project focuses on vocabulary development, sentence formation and communication in the Spanish language. Working in international teams, they do creative activities focused on speaking, improving grammar and expanding their vocabulary.
Students will work in pairs but also in groups. Some activities will be designed to involve all partners in collaboration.
Activities will focus on practicing describing a person, a hobby, describing a classroom, a room, and a city. We will practice grammatical phenomena such as prepositions, forming questions, learning to talk about the existence of objects, giving spatial directions and distinguishing between “to be” and “to exist”. During the project we will also hold online meetings, they will compare their room and classroom plans that they have created following the instructions of their classmates from other countries, which will allow them to improve their speaking and spatial orientation. They will get to know cities and interesting places in other countries.

Output of the project: avatars, project logo, classroom plans, room plans, sights of our city, practicing grammatical phenomena “to be” and “to exist”, practicing vocabulary and pronunciation in Spanish language.

Implementation: 2024/2025
Year: 7. (VII.SVB)
Project aim: The aim of this project is to promote intercultural cooperation through creative, fun activities. Learn about the culture of other countries and practice your knowledge in real life through interactive video calls.

  • Main objective:
    • Use your language skills and experience in real life
  • Specific objectives:
    • To increase students’ motivation and interest in learning Spanish and to make them aware of the importance of learning foreign languages.
    • To develop students’ grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation in Spanish at A1.2 level.
    • Encourage creativity, teamwork and collaboration among students, as well as critical thinking.
    • Improve intercultural understanding and tolerance between students from different countries.
    • Use information and communication technologies to support language learning and collaboration.

Link to TwinSpace:

Of course, I am an European (6th year)

This project aims to promote and increase national and European pride among students, emphasizing the importance of being Polish/Slovak/European citizens, as well as to develop English language skills, focusing on all language components (reading, writing, listening, speaking). Promoting cooperation and teamwork between students from different European countries is also important to us. The project will consist of several joint activities in which students will work together to create a joint product promoting national and European pride.

Project output: the mainproduct will be an e-book for children focusing on issues that foster pride in European/national citizenship with great linguistic support (CLIL approach), as well asregular team meetings to ensure that students are on track, addressing any challenges and providing feedback

Implementation: 2024/2025
Year: 6.
Project Objective:

  • Main objectives:
    • Promote European identity and values: to foster a sense of national and European pride, understanding the importance of being a Slovak/European citizen.
    • Develop language and digital skills: improve students’ language and digital competences, enabling them to communicate effectively in English and collaborate online.
    • Promote cultural awareness and empathy: Promote cultural awareness, empathy and tolerance between students from different European countries and cultures.
  • Specific objectives:
    • Creating a multimedia product: creating a multimedia product (e.g. video, podcast, infographic, e-book) that presents national and European pride, values and traditions.
    • Developing online collaboration skills: learn how to use online collaboration tools to work together on a project, share ideas and build on each other’s strengths.
    • Improving language skills: improving students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in English, focusing on vocabulary related to European identity, values and traditions.
    • Fostering critical thinking and problem solving: developing students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills by generating ideas and finding solutions to challenges.
    • Promoting self-directed learning: setting goals and deadlines for a project and taking responsibility for your learning.

More information about the project – view the project proposal

Link to TwinSpace:

🎉 Project outputs


eTwinning online meeting: new year’s resolutions

Our eTwinners in the sixth year met again today to confront our New Year wishes. We started with an informal discussion about the importance of making resolutions and then shared ours together. We ended the lesson with a quiz about our countries with questions that

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eTwinning: how do we spend Christmas?

Our sixth graders are working with their Polish partners to learn about each other’s cultures, but also about the pride of being Slovaks and Poles – Slovenes. And how do modern young Slovaks and Poles spend Christmas time? This is what we documented in our

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eTwinning session #2: I am proud of my country

Are we really proud of our origins? Are we proud of everything we have achieved as Slovaks? This is what we learned from the answers of our pupils and pupils from Poland. We realized that we have a rich culture, delicious food, pretty girls 😘

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Sixth graders get acquainted in eTwinning

Creativity knows no boundaries during eTwinning matchmaking. Our sixth graders not only created interesting avatars, but also made them sound. They uploaded their descriptions via a mobile phone app, learning lots of mobile phone tricks in the process. #eTwinningSZS #etwinningofcourseiamaneuropean

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Our first online lesson

With our Polish partner school, we have gone all out with eTwinning. We have created avatars, written our own descriptions and made them sound. Today we also met our Polish friends online, but it was no ordinary meeting. We were challenged to make a quick

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The Aliens explore Europe (5th – 6th grade)

This project brings together schools from different European countries through a story about aliens. Each country is visited by an alien and pupils will use them to introduce the country to their colleagues from other countries. In addition to our pupils from Years 5 and 6, pupils from Spain and Germany have also taken part in this project. Pupils present themselves, their school, their town, Christmas traditions and discuss via the TwinSpace platform through videos and other digital communication.

Implementation: 2024/2025
Year: 5. – 6. (V.FA/V.FB, VI.SA/VI.SB)
Project Objective:

  • The aim of the project is to promote international cooperation, develop pupils’ language and digital skills, and introduce them to different European cultures in a playful and interactive way.

Link to TwinSpace:

🎉 Project outputs

Upcoming events

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