CLIL methodology

CLIL – Integrated Teaching of Foreign Languages and Non-Language Subjects

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is an educational method of teaching non-language subjects through a foreign language. It is an innovative approach that changes the ways in which students are exposed to the curriculum and accelerates the acquisition of basic communication skills in a foreign language.

The CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) method covers all forms of general education through the teaching of a language that is not the mother tongue of the majority of pupils, i.e. integrating the teaching of subject content (mathematics, science, art education, music education, physical education, ethics education and computer education) with the teaching of a foreign language. In this case, the foreign language is not only the goal of education, but also the means by which education is acquired. The teacher teaches the subject and the foreign language at the same time, and the latter becomes the medium of instruction, i.e. j. working language. Across Europe, including Slovakia, an increasing number of primary schools are introducing CLIL in its various forms. With CLIL, the foreign language becomes an integral part of the learning process; students do not focus primarily on the language itself, but on the content they want to communicate about, they actually communicate, they do not use the language in artificially induced situations.

The results of the projects and comparisons show that this way of teaching improves and accelerates the quality of teaching in general education and vocational subjects, as well as language training.

CLIL creates a balance between language and vocational education. The non-language subject is developed through the foreign language and the foreign language through the non-language subject. Foreign language is used as a tool for learning, not just as a result of the teaching process.

Features of CLIL:

  • the content is the basis of CLIL lessons, where language development is based on different topics,
  • language is a means to teach educational content not an end,
  • CLIL language is not limited to vocabulary but is seen as a set of linguistic resources that enable learners to learn more about the content being taught,
  • CLIL in individual subjects promotes the learning of English and its active use by pupils,
  • the language is used naturally without explaining the grammatical phenomena used,
  • CLIL is used in individual lessons ranging from short 5-minute language warm-ups to comprehensive practice or interpretation of the material through the English language,
  • the pupil is assessed solely on the content of the curriculum and not on the extent of mastery of language knowledge and skills,

The benefits of CLIL include:

  • overall improvement of the pupil’s communicative competence in the target language,
  • Awareness of mother tongue, target language and other languages is deepened,
  • increased learner motivation through realistic learning situations in the target language,
  • increased fluency, wider vocabulary range,
  • active participation in lessons,
  • a positive attitude towards a foreign language,
  • development of their own national and cultural awareness,
  • preparation for practical life and work in a multicultural society.

CLIL offers opportunities that allow learners to use a foreign language naturally, in such a way that they soon forget that they are using a foreign language and focus only on the content. In the CLIL method, the foreign language is combined with other subjects. There are 2 main objectives in the class, one related to the subject, the topic and one related to the language. This is also why CLIL is sometimes called dual-focused learning. CLIL can really do a lot, it increases the willingness, desire and ability to learn both a foreign language and a non-language subject.

Frequently asked questions about CLIL (pdf)

CLIL presentation (ppt)

Follow these links to read and see what CLIL looks like in practice:

And what do others say about the CLIL method?

“CLIL saves time – e.g. when teaching topics that pupils have been learning in two subjects in parallel, … “ Read more
” … integrate all aspects of the student’s personality, applying the requirement to respect the student’s personal autonomy.” Read more
“CLIL – using a foreign language for learning and learning to use a foreign language … “ Read more
“So all children can benefit from CLIL, not just those we think are ‘good at languages’, … “ Read more
CLIL increases students’ motivation and confidence in both the language and the subject … “ More

CREATIVE ACTIVITIES WITH CLIL METHODOLOGY IN ENGLISH (professional seminar) – 2. December 2014

Private primary school, Oravská cesta 11 in Žilina on December 2, 2014 organized a nationwide educational seminar “Creative activities with CLIL methodology in the English language” intended for professional pedagogical public. The school organised this event based on its long experience with the implementation of the CLIL methodology and its experimental validation within several national and regional projects …

CLIL AND CALL METHODOLOGY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL (professional seminar) – 2. June 2016

Private primary school, Oravská cesta 11 in Žilina on 2. June 2016 organized a nationwide educational seminar “CLIL and CALL Methodology in Primary School” intended for both lay and professional pedagogical public. The school organised this event based on its long experience with the implementation of the CLIL methodology and its experimental validation within several national and regional projects and the active use of the CALL method … Visit the seminar page.

Putting CLIL into practice (international scientific conference) – 30. November 2016

Private primary school, Oravská cesta 11 in Žilina on 30. In November 2016, together with other institutions, it organised the international scientific conference New Perspectives on CLIL, bilingualism and plurilingualism, which included workshops entitled Putting CLIL into practice.

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