Today we had for children 5.roč. screening of short films in the framework of Ecotopfilm, the oldest environmental festival in the world, which was founded in 1973. The films dealt with important issues such as climate change, the destruction of nature and the depletion of natural resources, including water. Special emphasis was placed on Slovak nature and the issue of forest carnivores such as bears, lynx, wolves and foxes. We discussed why these animals are losing their shyness and whether the bear is really a problem.

We talked about the fact that bears are increasingly perceived as a problem, mainly because people are attracting them closer to homes with their behaviour, such as litter and leftover food. The films have highlighted that all of these carnivores play an important role in the ecosystem and our efforts to protect forests and behave responsibly are key to their conservation. The children gained a better understanding of why it is important to protect nature and how they themselves can contribute to its conservation.

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