With effect from 01.05.2023 pursuant to § 4 para. 3 lit. (a) of Act No. 544/2010 Coll. on subsidies within the competence of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, as amended, a subsidy to support the education of a child’s eating habits (hereinafter referred to as the “food subsidy”) may be provided for a child attending the last year of kindergarten (hereinafter referred to as “Kindergarten”) or primary school (hereinafter referred to as “Primary School”), if the child’s parent or a natural person to whom the child is entrusted by a court decision, applies in writing for the provision of a food subsidy.

From 01.05.2023 the food subsidy will be provided in the amount of:

  • EUR 1.40 for each day in
    which the child participated in educational activities in the last year of kindergarten
    and took lunch,
  • EUR 2.10 for each day on which the child attended primary school at the first level
    and took lunch,
  • EUR 2.30 for each day on which the child attended primary school at second level
    and took lunch.

In connection with the provision of the food subsidy, we would also like to inform you that:

  • Individual education without regular attendance at the primary school is also considered to be primary school education, and a subsidy for meals can only be provided if the child’s lunch
    is taken in the school canteen,
  • a subsidy for meals can be provided for a child even if the child
    is not boarded in a school catering facility because the child’s health condition, according to the assessment of the attending physician – specialist (e.g. gastroenterologist, diabetologist, immunologist, allergist, etc.) requires special meals and the school catering facility is unable to provide such meals.

If your child attends primary school and you are interested in providing a subsidy for your child’s meals from 01.05.2023, it is necessary to apply for a subsidy for meals /if you have not already applied/, on a form (return), which we ask to deliver to the class teacher no later than 18.4.2023.

If your child does not eat in the school canteen, you must also request that your child be included in the register of boarders – pick up a boarding application form from the school canteen.

If you do not deliver this return by the due date, the child will not be eligible for a meal subsidy. The food subsidy is not claimable without an application and the food subsidy can be withdrawn at any time.


  • return handed in,
  • a pupil who has not eaten also applies for boarding,
  • a pupil who has a confirmed dietary diet : an application for boarding and a medical certificate from the attending doctor clearly stating that the child’s state of health and diagnosis requires a dietary diet, which must also include the type of diet required in relation to the child’s state of health,
  • advance payment of 30,00 € for boarding fees – primary school pupils / will be used to pay for boarding fees in case the child is not checked out of the boarding school on time and does not attend classes/

Entitlement to the subsidy arises only in the case of the pupil’s attendance at classes and the withdrawal of meals.

TAX BONUS NOTICE – The amendment to the Subsidy Act effective from 01.05.2023 has changed the categories of eligible children, i.e. j. from 01.05.2023 it will no longer be taken into account whether the parent is a recipient of the child tax bonus. This means that a child can receive a food subsidy from 01.05.2023 even if the parent receives a tax bonus.

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